Saturday, May 20, 2023


Surrounded by farm lands, the Sta. Ana Dam stands out for its multi-purpose reservoir. Unlike conventional hydropower plants, the dam offers an additional benefit by providing water for domestic and farmland irrigation. Moreover, its hydropower plant produces clean energy, which is a huge advantage. Apart from that, the Sta. Ana Dam contributes to the well-being of the local community by offering access to potable water and enabling irrigation facilities for the nearby farmland.

Sta Ana Libasan Dam is a delightful vacation spot that offers various Amusements to people. By engaging a resident mentor, you can take a leisurely stroll around the location and relish the stunning panorama of the dam and its environs. Additionally, this region is teeming with birds, butterflies, and vegetation, making it an ideal place for nature enthusiasts to enjoy photography. Furthermore, the lake adjacent to the dam provides boating and Water sports within its depths, which are replete with diverse strains of freshwater fish species. Setting up a campsite and having a picnic are ideal activities that can be enjoyed in select parts of the shore.

These sites provide a natural ambiance and a relaxing atmosphere to spend quality time with friends and family. Whether you are a nature lover, adventurer or someone looking for a tranquil place to spend with your loved ones, Sta Ana Libasan Dam is a beautiful place to visit.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


This story happened at P-1 Libasan Nabunturan Compostela Valley Province before but it is change into Libasan Nabunturan Davao de Oro. Story happened specifically in my school, Libasa Elementary School that placed is the beginning of my elementary life with my two boy best friends. Way back in my elementary days at Libasan Nabunturan Davao de Oro, I was one of the students who didn't want to go to school, or should I say, I was too lazy to do that. Besides that, I'm a very shy kid who doesn't like to socialize with other people because I've been used to it since birth, scared of the teachers, and also had a traumatic experience of bullying when I was in kindergarten. Those are the reasons why I don't like to go to school, but I endured it and finished my kindergarten year. Another school year and I am in grade 1, but then again, I don't like schooling, like I'm not interested in learning. I guess I'm too young and don't know what schooling benefits me, and in the future, for me, I would rather stay in our house than go to school and socialize with other people. I dropped out for the same reason, and my parents understand me.
I'm in grade 1 again, but with new classmates. I changed a little bit in terms of my perspective on studying because at that time I knew why studying was very important to me. Every day I'm excited to go to school, compared to before, because my parents encourage me to do it. My grade 1 and 2 days pass by smoothly because I learned to enjoy and prioritize my studies. In my 3rd grade, I know that I don't have the closest classmates or even friends because of my personality. One day when our teacher is not able to attend our class, there is one teacher who wants us to sit in her class and learn from her, so we obey her. The teacher gives us a task to do, which is to read an English story. The teacher thought that I could not read, so she called Rainier July our first to teach me to read, even though I knew how to read. In the end, I didn't protest and I obey her. That day, me and July started to be close to each other and his friend Julie Mark (my cousin), but at that time I didn't know that we were related to each other. I have known them since grades 1 and 2 because they are my classmates, but we were not close back then, but the two boys are because they are neighbors, and I know we are in the same village but not in the same neighborhood. July is a shy type, kind, responsible, genius, athletic, and cautious one, while Julie Mark is jolly, talkative, kind, rich, and has a sense of humor. Our bond is getting stronger as the days pass and we become friends. We helped each other when one of us was in need. We share our secrets with each other, and when we have a fight, they say sorry to me and explain why they do that, and I forgive them. They didn't treat me badly because I am a girl, but they treated me otherwise, not like a princess but like an older sister because I'm one year old ahead of them. Our lives in grades 3-5 are going very fast, but our friendship is getting much stronger.

One day when lunch time me and my two best friends decided to eat for our lunch, we immediately launched into a lively conversation about plans for the upcoming weekend. " Guys in weekend we go to the lake and do fishing." July said. Me " Sure, I'll go. I can't wait that to happen." Julie Mark nodded and say " I'm in!." and added " hey guys we should try to ride the bamboo boat." I couldn't help but chuckle at their contrasting personalities. July was the cautious one, always concerned about the consequences of his actions, while Julie Mark was more of a risk taker, always looking for an adrenaline rush. The conversation then shifted to our academic pursuits, and we discussed our favorite subjects and the challenges we faced in certain classes. As we finished our lunch and headed back to class, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such supportive friends. They always made me feel like I could achieve anything and were always there to listen to me, whether I wanted to vent my frustrations or share my successes. I realized that these lunchtime conversations were not just a casual chitchat but an important bonding experience that strengthened our friendship and helped us navigate the challenges of elementary together.

In my last year in elementary life, I know this is the most emotional and memorable year of my life . Emotional because I know our friendship will not be what it is as soon as we parted our ways to pursue our High School journey or we remain the same. Memorable because of my sad and happy memories that I had been experienced . The symbols of our friendship is the heart and the triquetra are two symbols that represent the love and interconnectedness shared by trio friends. These symbols signify the strength and value of the bond formed between the trio, emphasizing their commitment to each other and to their goals. Symbols such as these communicate important messages of loyalty and friendship, and by using them, trio friends display their willingness to support and care for each other on the shared journey of life. 

In the present time, when our high school lives started, we smoothly made our own paths without each other's presence and made new groups of friends, but when it comes to our friendship, now it is getting faded. When we meet, we casually greet each other; it is not like before. Even though we are not close now, I am very truly thankful because of them. Because of them, I had a memorable elementary life that I will treasure forever. Our friendship is like a shooting star that lights up our lives for just a moment. Shooting stars are a beautiful and rare sight to see, and they can illuminate the sky for just a brief moment before they disappear into the abyss.


I am Marguex Monta Escabal. I was born on April 12, 2004 in Libasan, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province, Philippines. We are five siblings in the family. I am the second child. My mother's name is Mary Jean Monta Escabal; she is from Nabunturan, Davao de Oro, and my father's name is Dennis Austria Escabal; he is from Compostela, Davao de Oro. I took my elementary education at Libasan Elementary School, located at P-1 Libasan Nabunturan, Davao de Oro. I had a happy childhood living with my parents and my siblings. We helped each other in our daily activities. My family was a happy, chaotic, and loving family.
As an introverted person, my life has been a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Growing up, I often felt out of place in social situations and struggled to make meaningful connections with others. However, as I matured, I realized that being an introvert does not make me any less valuable or capable than my extroverted peers. From a young age, I preferred spending time alone or with a small group of close friends over attending large social gatherings. I found it difficult to engage in small talk and often felt overshadowed by more outgoing individuals. As a result, I developed a deep interest in reading and writing as a way to explore my own thoughts and emotions.

When I entered high school, I began to recognize that my introverted tendencies were not a flaw, but rather a reflection of my unique personality. I found solace in connecting with other introverts and exploring the ways in which we perceive the world around us. Through shared experiences and conversations, I came to appreciate the depth and complexity of introverted personalities. Despite my growing sense of self-assurance, I still encountered challenges in navigating social situations. I often felt overwhelmed by the noise and stimulation of crowded environments and struggled to assert myself in group settings. However, I found that by focusing on my strengths - such as my ability to listen attentively and empathize with others - I was better able to navigate these situations with confident.

While I continued to face challenges in social situations, I learned to prioritize self-care and set boundaries for my own wellbeing. I found that taking breaks from social events and spending time alone to recharge my energy allowed me to better engage with others when I did choose to be social. Through my experiences as an introverted person, I learned to embrace my unique strengths and recognize the value that introverted personalities bring to the world. I found that my thoughtful and reflective nature allowed me to connect with others on a deeper level and to approach challenges in a more measured and deliberate way. As I move forward in life, I know that my introverted tendencies will continue to shape my experiences and interactions with others. However, I am confident that by continuing to develop my strengths and prioritize my own wellbeing, I will be able to navigate these challenges with resilience and grace.

In conclusion, being an introverted person has been a defining aspect of my life and has helped me to develop a deep sense of self-awareness and empathy for others. While I still face challenges in social situations, I have learned to embrace my unique strengths and prioritize my own wellbeing in order to live a fulfilling and authentic life. I hope that by sharing my story, I can help others to understand and appreciate the value of introverted personalities.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Go Green For Tomorrow

On May 3, 2023, we will do hiking and tree-planting activities at Magsaysay Tuyawan Ecopark. The objectives of that activity are to help our body, socialize with other students, and, of course, help our mother earth. Hiking and tree planting are easy school activities that provide an opportunity to explore nature and contribute to the community. These two activities can be done individually or as a group, and they have significant benefits for both students and the environment.
Hiking is a great way to improve physical health and enhance mental well-being. In schools, hiking trips can be organized to nearby areas such as parks, forest reserves, and lakes. These trips allow students to connect with nature, enjoy fresh air, and increase their fitness levels. Additionally, hiking can assist in reducing stress levels, improve memory retention, and enhance creativity. Tree planting, on the other hand, is a straightforward activity that can be done by anyone regardless of age. Trees offer numerous environmental benefits since they improve air quality, reduce the greenhouse effect, and prevent soil erosion. By planting trees, students can learn about the importance of conserving the environment and play a role in making their community a better place. Moreover, tree planting can assist in fostering team building and leadership skills as students work together to accomplish the task.

These activities can be integrated into the school curriculum, and teachers can utilize them as an alternative approach to classroom learning. Hiking and tree planting provide opportunities to learn through practical experiences, making the learning process fun and engaging. By incorporating these activities into the curriculum, students can broaden their horizons, improve their understanding of the natural world and enhance their cognitive abilities. During our hiking, I would say it is exhausting and not easy because the destination is so far away. Even though our trail does not give us problems, the weather does. We walked along the side of the highway. I felt worried about that, but it vanished because there were the policemen who accompanied us.

In conclusion, hiking and tree planting are easy school activities that provide numerous benefits to students and the environment. These activities offer opportunities for children to connect with nature, enhance their physical and mental well-being, learn teamwork, leadership and problem-solving skills, and play a role in environmental conservation. Therefore, there is a need for educators to consider incorporating these activities into their teaching approaches since they provide practical learning experiences that engage students and broaden their horizons.



I am Marguex Monta Escabal. I was born on April 12, 2004 in Libasan, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province, Philippines. We are five siblings in the family. I am the second child. My mother's name is Mary Jean Monta Escabal; she is from Nabunturan, Davao de Oro, and my father's name is Dennis Austria Escabal; he is from Compostela, Davao de Oro. I took my elementary education at Libasan Elementary School, located at P-1 Libasan Nabunturan, Davao de Oro. I had a happy childhood living with my parents and my siblings. We helped each other in our daily activities. My family was a happy, chaotic, and loving family.
My hobbies are reading Wattpad stories, watching movies, series, and mukbang, playing mobile games, listening to music, and shooting. I am an introverted type of person, and I love being by myself. I also spend my free time talking to myself and chit-chatting with my sister. My dream is to become a successful businesswoman someday or a policewoman.
I took my secondary education at Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School as well as now in my senior high school year. My life in secondary high school days is, for me, fun and exciting because I am going to explore new things in my new environment and socialize with other people compared to my elementary days because our school before in elementary was not big, not like in high school, where the school is so big and there are so many people you can socialize with. As an introvert, I had a hard time communicating and socializing until now in my senior high school year with other people, specifically students and teachers. Even though I'm an introvert, I managed to make a few solid friends and get an average grade. Honestly, I prefer to be alone rather than have a companion be with me because, in the end, you are going to be alone.


She was born on June 15, 1945, in the city of Iloilo. Miriam Defensor Santiago   
(Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago)   
Miriam learned to take charge early in life. As a precocious child and the eldest of seven, she was running the household well before she was out of grade school. Her mother was a career woman who eschewed housework, so responsibility for the daily marketing, for supervising the family's untrained village maids, and for organizing her younger brothers and sisters to do their chores devolved upon her.Miriam Palma Defensor Santiago was a Filipino academic, lawyer judge, author, and statesman, who served in all three branches of the Philippine government: judicial, executive, and legislative. She was a long-serving Senator of the Republic of the Philippines. 

In 1988, Defensor Santiago was named laureate of the Ramon Magsaysay Award for government service, with a citation for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency. She ran in the 1992 presidential elections but was controversially defeated. In 2012, Defensor Santiago became the first Filipina and the Asian from a developing country to be elected a judge of the International Criminal Court. She later resigned the post, citing chronic fatigue syndrome, which turned out to be lung cancer . In 2016, she became part of the International Advisory Council of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), an intergovernmental body that promotes the rule of law.

Defensor Santiago served three in the Philippine Senate. On 13 October 2015. Defensor Santiago declared her candidacy for president of the Philippines in the 2016 election after her doctors from the United States declared her cancer ' stable ' and ' receded ', but lost in the election. In December 2018, the prestigious Quezon Service Cross was posthumously conferred upon Santiago, waking her the first and only woman and the sixth person since 1946 to be enthroned in the country' s highest roster. Defensor Santiago was known as the Dragon Lady, the Platinum Lady, the Incorruptible Lady, the Tiger Lady, and most popular, the Iron Lady of Asia. She is Colloquially known in Philippine pop culture as simply Miriam or MDS.

Heart of the Valley

Nabunturan is a beautiful town located in the province of Davao de Oro in the Philippines. It is a hidden gem that is often over...